Gibbs' Story
I am a deaf Border Collie Lab mix. I am 7 years old. Katie and Stan have taught me sign language. It is funny because some times they get confused and sign to Blinker and Tanner and they are blind. Then they try to speak to me, but I can't hear them. I can't laugh at them because it might hurt there feelings but it is really funny. I love to ride in the car and I am always ready for a new adventure. When I meet someone new or get excited I wag my whole body. Thunder storms don’t bother me but the vacuum monster freaks me out. I like cats as long as they don’t rub on me but I am learning that really cats do rule and yes us dogs drool. The sanctuary has over 2 acres that they let me run with Blinker and Tanner and we have so much fun. I follow Blinker and Tanner because they hear Stan and Katie calling. This way I don’t miss meals and other fun stuff. At night Stan will flash a light and that means its time to come in for bed so I don’t have to follow anyone -- I am free.